Call to get started: (907) 561-3726
How It Works
FSBO System® gives you all the tools, confidence, and support you need to sell your home on your own, including unlimited help from our licensed real estate counselors and access to our interactive on-line FSBO System® tutorial. With our discount referral and impeccable record.
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It Really DOES Work!
Our clients have outperformed the average local agent listing in terms of days on market and chance of success for 23 straight years, good markets and bad. Our average client made an extra $13,500 compared to paying a six percent agent commission.
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Our Team
In 1995, Alaska attorney and real estate broker Kirk Wickersham created a complete, integrated home-selling technology called FSBO System®. Our team is dedicated to making FSBO System® work for you.
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Can I really do this? Who will help with the paperwork? These are questions everyone has. Our experts are here to give you the answers, advice and support you need.
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